we just led the largest ever protest of bank financing of fossil fuels.
And now we need your help to amp up our bank boycott.
- Divest Yourself: Go to bankongood.com/mazaska to sign up for personal text message reminders to divest yourself and go to our Divest Yourself Tab to find B-corp banks, Native-owned banks, and more banking & investing options.
- Divest Your Community: review the 6 questions to help you divest your community.
- Divest Your Institution: get your organization to join the 60+ organizations (see blow) committing to divesting themselves within the next year.
- Tweet your favorite celebrities and ask them to support the 150 Nations and Tribes part of the Treaty Alliance Against Tar Sands Expansion (@Treaty_Alliance).
- Share the video below to amplify our call to action.
Organizations & Foundations
198 Methods
21 Acres
350 Local Groups: 350 Austin, 350 Bay Area, 350 Bellingham, 350 Chicago, 350 Colorado, 350 Conejo / San Fernando Valley, 350 Eastside, 350 Eugene, 350 Everett, 350 Fairfax, 350 Louisville, Honor the Earth
350 New Hampshire, 350 Maine, 350 Marin, 350 Portland, Institute for Policy Studies
350 Seattle, 350 Silicon Valley, 350 Spokane, 350 Vermont League of Conservation Voters Climate Conversations North West Washington, The Leap, Victoria Harford County Climate Action, Olympic Climate Action, Mangrove Action Project
Oxy 350, SoCal 350 Climate Action Mr.
Amazon Watch Oil Change International
Backbone Campaign Potlach Fund
Beyond Extreme Energy Rainforest Action Network
Catalytic Community Rising Tide Seattle Community Alliance for Global Justice Sacred Groves for Community Healing Climate First! Seattle, Democratic Socialists of America
Climate Hawks Vote Stand.Earth
CREDO Sustainable Energy & Economy Network
DC ReInvest The Pedestrian View
Divest-Invest Individual US Climate Action Network
Earth Matters Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
Earth Guardians Washington Women CAN
Friends of the Earth Wica Agli
Got Green The Whidbey Institute
Green America Zero Waste Washington Hip Hop Caucus
Seattle: Broke ties with Wells Fargo over DAPL-funding. Passed a Council resolution stating that it would not bank with any bank that funds the Keystone XL pipeline. Has secured funding for a public bank feasibility study.
San Francisco: Passed a Council resolution stating that it would choose banks not funding DAPL over those that did. SF Defund DAPL Coalition started a people's task force on public banking.
Oakland: Has commissioned a $75,000 study into a public bank; largely in response to pressure from #NoDAPL activists.
Aril Consulting
Cookie Counter, Vegan Ice Cream
Chaco Canyon Organic Cafe - Greenwood
DIGS Show Room
Frog Hollow School
Health and Abundance LLC
LaPlace & Associates Rachel Hamstra, Feldenkrais Practitioner
Norton Woodworking LLC Rise Up! Productions Parlay Sans Fossils Visual Artists
Plant People Northwest LLC SDK Bridge
OPENPLANIT LLC West Wind Instrument Service
faith communities
Northshore United Church of Christ, Woodinville, WA
Mt Zion Baptist Church, Bronx, New York